Monday, December 28, 2015

Discovering Self: The Poetry of Life -My new book is now available!

 I am happy to say my new book (my 12th!) is finished! For me, this is a great way to finish the year and to begin the new year with "a new ream of paper."

     Love is the most vital lesson we are created to learn as human beings. Seeking to learn is a behavior of love, which begins with discovering self. I learn every day that I live. Learning helps us to accept more of the challenges in our life with a smile. I marvel when I listen to people who have not been taught, or have not yet learned, that life is for learning, and that learning is a joy to our soul and spirit. I have spent my life engaged in the gift of learning what it means to be human, and there is no end in sight. There is always more for us to learn, and sharing the truth of what we learn begins with us. We can only teach or share knowledge that we have learned and lived.

     We live in order to learn to love. The trinity of love--living, learning, and loving--is the dance of our internal self (our mind, emotions, and senses). The image of love is the image of discovering self, which makes it the first image we are designed to seek as human beings. Discovering love makes us happy to be alive, which inspires learning. We have to discover self as we discover love before we can understand self and life. Discovering Self: The Poetry of Life is my way of sharing an image of my own exploration and understanding of life and its poetry. I love poetry that shows us the challenge of our own existence. The introduction to our own growth and self-discovery is understanding poetry. Poetry guides us through the physical drama of living to expand into the beauty of life. The poetry of life is the truth of healing for our soul, which is the joy of our spirit.

Love is the truth of us. Learning is an expansion of self.

     I hope that we each discover new depths of our true self as we open our minds and hearts to learning to love more truthfully, more beautifully, in 2016. I hope you will read my new book, and remember I welcome readers' feedback! To purchase Discovering Self, click the Lulu link below.
Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.
 Happy holidays and let's make 2016 a great year to be on Earth.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

All positive change is good.

All positive change is good. All negative focuses, as our fear of change, are not good for our Spiritual growth and the physical life that we are living. We always reflect our precise level of dual soul growth into our thinking mind and physical behavior, which includes the manner of our speaking, the words that we choose to use, and the people that we choose to communicate with regarding ourselves and our relationships in life. This will  then reflect how we are using our thinking mind lovingly with the Ethical Values. The way that we think, speak, and interact within our relationships shows us the precise pattern of how our thinking mind is being used, with or without the loving emotions. It is always a challenge to remember that no two people  are on the same precise stage of learning. Because of this, our love and tolerance of other people are essential, even when we wish life was different.

Friday, October 02, 2015

Why is Spiritual Philosophy so important at this time?

Why is Spiritual Philosophy so important at this time?

1)      Because we are destroying Earth, our home.

2)      We are destroying our human design.

3)      Science is proving our design of Spirit Consciousness.

4)      We are living through our depression of life rather than the happiness of living and learning.  What is depression? Our resistance to changing the way that we think and live.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

There is only interaction

All spirit energy is equal and the roles are equal, but the acting is created for the purpose supporting the drama. The drama contains the hidden lesson. The drama is created in the physical eneryg. It cannot be seen with yoru physical eyes or heard with your physical ears. The lesson will be found in the internal energy of the inner and higher self. It can only be understood as an energy of conscious awareness.

In spirit energy there are no roles, there is only interaction. From the perspective of your physical undestanding the analogy of the role is helpful.

All lessons are learned through the interaction of relationships.

If your life appears to be one big drama for you, then you need to understand that you are working very hard to learn your lessons. You are trying to see certain images with total clarity. You will play the role unti you can understand the turth of the acting. In your sleep periods, it is the members of your soul and spirit family and your chosen physical family that help you on the soul and spirit level.

(Sharing: Self Discovery in Relationships, 108).

Friday, September 25, 2015

Earth is a living planet.

Earth is a living temple for consciousness. The purpose for earth, the purpose of the superconsciousness in the other planets, is to expand the energy of the Creator, to provide for the Creator the loving energy that he feels, to give and to receive, to feel the freedom, to know the joy, to be in the love.

When you doubt that you can change, look at the story of earth--earth that has been around as the symbol of evolution for man for five hundred billion years as we understand time, and it is still changing. Earth has changed consistently from the beginning of the growth of physical matter, from the moment of the core of earth igniting.

There is nothing accidental about you or your path of evolution or your level of evolution. Each time you have come into earth with awareness you have come into this earth with lessons of evolution. It is essential that you see the connection between you and earth and that you understand the harmony, the rhythm and the evolution of us as human beings that have a spirit consciousness that is higher than all other matter, all other living life within the Universe.

Each life that you create through your human conscousness is created to focus you upon your path through the learning of a lesson.

All lessons must begin in the physical and move into Soul and into Spirit -- which then must be manifested upon earth, completing the cycle of energy of learning to be human.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The purpose of your life will be directed by the lessons that you have been working with from childhood.

As you grow into adulthood, it is extremely valuable to go back into the energy of childhood memories and look at what you learned. Look with total clarity and no concept of blame. Do not focus on what you feel that you did not learn but focus entirely upon what you did learn. Release your attachment to the negative and dwell only on the positive.

In the beginning you may feel resistance at this exercise. Continue to work with the memories. Remember the fun and the joy of your life. All memory will not return instantly.

Continue to review the experiences from birth to the present over and over again. As your perception of yourself consciously changes, your past memories will change. You will begin to see them with a totally different perspective. You will begin to feel good about yourself and what you have learned.

This exercise rquires a commitment to growth and to discovering yourself with love. It is not a "quick fix" that you can think about for five minutes and be satisfied. It requires months and years of discernment of self. This in turn requires courage, commitment, and love of yourself.

As you work with these memories of childhood and your mother and father, you will find other memories that interact. These memories will include other memories of your family beginning with sisters and brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, best friends, and on and on.

In the Spirit world these family members and close friends are all soul and spirit family members. The interaction that you remember was the acting upon the stage of your life. You were involved in the drama of growing, learning, and soul evolution. You wrote your script and you played the lead. You are now what you have created by the drama.

As an adult, you now have the opportunity to repeat the drama as a parent of children. You become the primary teacher. You will choose to be or not to be a parent. The choice will be made according to lesson that you have chosen. You will have alternate plans available to you. In being a parent you will act the lessons that you have learned thus far in life.

The lessons that you have accepted with understanding will be captured within your unconcious memory and you will focus upon that memory as easily as you will focus upon your conscious  memory. If you purposefully return in memory to the positive energies of your life, you will allow yourself to discover your purpose for life. The purpose of your life will be directed by the lessons that you have been working with from childhood. Each and every event will have its purpose and its message.

Immediate Family Relationships (Sharing: Self Discovery in Relationships) (132)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Ethnic Relationships, Soul Evolution, Growth, Change, and Drama

When we discuss ethnic relationships, we discuss soul evolution, and we discuss growth, change, and drama. The soul and spirit, when it is created, knows that it has many lessons to learn. These lessons are learned within relationships.

Each and every lesson learned is relative to the interaction that occurs in your life. If the interaction between two people is compounded by a difference in ethnic beliefs, the dramas and the traumas image the lessons in a vivid and expansive manner.
The energy of critical mass is the strongest energy source created by man. Critical mass energy is an energy force within the Universe that is created by the energy of man and his beliefs.

There is physical interaction, there is soul interaction, and there is spirit interaction. Each of these interactions occurs at different levels of consciousness within you. Each level of consciousness has a different energy force and a different level for you to understand.

It is important for you to realize that the interaction of a lifetime is indeed a choice. In the spirit sense, man is a member of a spirit family. In the soul sense, the soul and spirit move through each choice of life—learning, growing, changing, evolving, and creating.

Soul and spirit evolution is focused upon the understanding and love of self, the truth, and the perfection of the spirit world. Each life that man chooses is his individual choice and how he lives it is his choice. Choice is based upon the level of conscious awareness within the intellect/ego mind.

The first ethnic family of your world is the human race. The first ethnic group is the individual man.

The individual does not understand his own uniqueness as a physical being, a soul, and a spirit. He does not understand his power. He does not understand the soul and spirit energy within. Each of you have chosen to be free individuals. You have chosen to learn to love yourself first.

The dramas that you create to learn your lesson of individual freedom are unique within each individual. Man is focused upon his physical being. Understanding freedom as the energy of the soul and spirit will help you understand your choice of lessons. It is the inner energy force seeking freedom that creates the reflection of loss of freedom within the physical world.

No two individuals follow exactly the same path in their soul evolution, not even twin souls. Yet all of man follows the same purpose and that purpose is to BE unconditional love.

When man loves himself, he can then love his neighbor as himself, and his God as himself. In your choice of lives, loving self with the freedom of self-discovery and total self-realization under any physical circumstance is the important issue.

Monday, September 07, 2015

Patterns of Eternal and Ethical Growth

            Evolution is an energy movement of Ethical Growth. If we are not living our Ethical Values we are not as a Spiritual human being. Ethical growth is well defined in Spiritual Philosophy and it is a continuous growth process that takes place in our thinking mind, loving emotions, and Spirit Senses as a singular inclusive mental and physical growth process. Our growth process will always be reflected in our physical reality because we will change our energy from fear to love. This is the definition of being a Spiritual Being. We must learn and grow from our specific level of the physical to evolve into an energy level of Ethical growth, which we are only capable of doing when we know ourselves as Spirit Consciousness energy beings. We automatically grow into our physical form, but we do not automatically grow into an advancement of our thinking mind, loving emotions, and Spirit Senses. As we live our multiple lives, we will find that without our advancement as a Soul Mind and Loving Emotions, we cannot grow and change in the level of our Spirit Consciousness energy.

            When we talk about the Soul and Spirit, we are talking about the energy of our internal Soul and Spirit Consciousness that we are designed to expand, which is why we are living each of our multiple physical lives. If we cannot live our expansion from one energy level to the next energy level of Spirit Consciousness, we cannot grow and change our physical behaviors and our thought process, except on a physical level. At this point in time, we sincerely believe that the physical level of ourselves is all that we are open to accepting. When we find ourselves stuck in one physical level of thought and physical behavior, we are clearly showing ourselves that we have stopped moving and growing as an energy being and that we are resting on our laurels of being physical beings.

            Spiritual Philosophy show us the internal path of the thinking mind, loving emotions, and sensory movement of our human design and change that we have been seeking to learn in its entirety since we first became humans living on Earth. The memory of Spiritual Philosophy is storied in our cellular level in our ancient memory and understanding usually at some vague level of the philosophy of life. Even Jesus studied Spiritual Philosophy and that was the basis of his teachings. We have lived countless lifetimes as human beings, which is the journey of our Dual Soul evolution. Spiritual Philosophy is present in our ancient memory because we have lived many lifetimes with our memory of Spiritual Philosophy trying to expand our Spirit Consciousness through the pattern of our Ethical Values. It is Spiritual Philosophy that helps us over the mountaintops of our ancient memory as we try to remember our ancient past, who we were, what we learned, and the difference that we will see in the “then and now” comparison of our thinking mind and loving emotions as we open the internal gates to our ancient memory. When we believe that we live only life, we cannot understand ourselves as eternal energy beings. Energy never dies but it does change form.

            We have endless volumes of our recorded history and it is never a challenge for us to look at our ancient human appearance in relationship to our human appearance today. AS we have lived our countless lives we have streamlined our body, mind, and Spirit as a process of our growth and change. As we expand our thinking mind, we expand everything in our physical reality, including our physical body and what it can do. This is what the word “evolution” means. As we have lived our countless lives, we have changed the way that our human mind thinks, how it relates to the heavens, Earth, and to each other, but most of all we have changed how we “see” ourselves as human beings. Once we recognize all of the physical changes that we have lived it begins to make sense that we must use what we know and begin to understand ourselves as the “energy” that we live within. We have been taught that we are physical human beings and we are, but what does it mean to be physical? It literally means that as physical human beings we must learn to understand ourselves, take care of ourselves, and think in a different way if we want to live and enjoy our physical lives for longer periods of time. When we die young, we are missing the lessons of our physical life, which we must ultimately learn by living countless lives.

            As we learn to think about ourselves as eternal beings, we begin to keep ourselves healthier, happier, and we keep our thinking mind open to change as a means of expanding our responsibility. No one else can grow and change for us. If we study the design of the human body, the thinking mind, the loving emotions, and the Spirit Senses, we are studying Spiritual Philosophy as our pattern of creation, life, growth, and our eternal life as energy beings. This is an essential change of thinking for us to understand, if we want to know ourselves and the mystery of “disease” that is capturing our attention as it interferes with our healthy, our life, and our Spiritual growth. We do not have to be sick. We can live for hundreds, even thousands of years once we learn to change our belief systems and our thinking, clean up our environment, and protect our human body and mind.

            Our change begins one person at a time. We cannot live with our ancient beliefs and we cannot live in fear any longer and evolve as human beings. Our energy is designed as an eternal energy. It is time that we begin to think about ourselves in a totally different way if we want to protect our human design, Earth, and the space around us that we call home. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Our Relationship to Energy

     If we don’t understand our own personal thoughts and behaviors, we will not understand the source of energy that controls us and our life.

     We are energy and we live in a world of energy; therefore, our relationship to energy provides the construct of our physical thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

     As new Souls we live in a lower level of energy. As old Souls our energy becomes more conscious to our mind and emotions.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Know Thyself- The Secret of True Learning

Why did Hippocrates understand health better than we do? Why do we fear the truth of our human design as energy and matter? Our Spirit Consciousness is the true energy of us as our Intelligent Design of the thinking mind, loving emotions, and infinite Spirit senses, which allows us to remember our chemical energy design that creates matter as our physical body. We do not accept the harm we are doing to ourselves as chemical beings because we have not learned the secret of growth and change.

The secret of true learning is that we are simply teaching ourselves the plan, design, function, and relationship of who we are humans to each other, Nature Earth, and the Universe as energy and matter. Chemical contamination is the story of human disease and destruction. The choice for change is ours.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Natural Order of Progression - the Fruit does not grow before the Tree

Our challenge is to keep our search in the order of the microcosm, mesocosm, and macrocosm, because we cannot understand Earth or the Universe until we undestand us and our relationship to our support system. Exploring what we do not understand, before we have an understanding of who we are, can destroy our support system. Understanding is the symbol of our growth and it must follow a natural order of progression. Look at nature and you will see that the fruit does not grow before the tree. Exploring reality in any other order is looking external to ourself as an ego perception of our ability. Living in our humility, we know that we do not have to use every ability that we have, to know that we have it.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Our internal Nervous System is the Spirit guide

Our internal Nervous System is the Spirit guide of our Dual Soul and our physical life. We cannot live when we totally abuse our Nervous System without any knowledge of what we are doing or why we are doing it. Our Nervous System functions as a chemistry laboratory, giving us every capability that we must have to live a normal life of learning and growth. When we disable any part of our Nervous System, our physical life changes because we have changed the capability of our physical body to perform, of our thinking mind to think objectively and to communicate from the heart, of our loving emotions to subjectively function in partnership with our thinking and speaking mind, and of our three-dimensional Spirit senses to qualify the multiple responses to life that we feel.

When we begin to pay attention to how we breathe, we can discover and correct any habitual patterns that are unhealthy for our Nervous System and our physical body. Maintaining health is not just one focus but it is a whole itnernal focus of "thinking and being" that allows us to live with the optimal physical energy that we are designed to be and enjoy.

Thursday, May 07, 2015

Being a Friend and Making Friendship an important Energy within You

It IS the mind that builds your world. Your body and your life are the results of activity within your mind. It is our purpose to help you understand your life activity and to heal any bruises that you may be attached to. Releasing the fear from your life will allow you to understand the wisdom of integration and balance.

The mind has been created by what we call the physical mind, which is the intellect and the ego; the rational mind, which is the soul memories; and the intuitive mind, which is the spirit energy.

You visit each space individually. They are your interior castles, the mansions of your mind. As you grow in wisdom adn understanding you integrate these three facets of the mind until you have a smooth flowing channel of energy that circles through them all. This is known as integration. Friendship is one image of the lesson of integration.

It is my wish to encourage each of you to make friendship a very important energy within you. Be willing to communicate freely, openly, and truthfully.

Understand that giving and receiving in friendship means to give the energy that you wish to receive in return.

Being a friend is being willing to give and to receive openly, without judgment, and without resistance. If all of your relationships can begin with a very solid, truthful friendship, they will last you through a lifetime.

Relationships that are lasting have their own special benefits in the physical world as well as in the spiritual world. Knowing that you have a true friend that you can talk to when you "need" to talk, will many times help you maintain your balance within your physical world.

All relationships will benefit you in your soul evoution in a way that will be impossible for you to perhaps comprehend on a conscious level. The energy of friends is interwoven, intermingled, interpenetrated and inseparable.

Monday, April 27, 2015

The Path of Joy and the Path of Desire

For each event within the life of man there are alternative paths. If man can choose the path of joy, he will be choosing the path of the soul. The path of joy must not be confused with the path of desire. Joy within the inner self and desire within the ego self are two separate emotions for man.  They should not be confused.

Desire is a craving of the ego and is a chameleon within your physical world. Desire is a “concept of need” in disguise. Man “needs” only himself and the Earth from which he lives. Desire is an “ego craving” with sexual implications within your physical world. This is consistent with the focus of man on the physical, the ego self of man.
Man can want for more joy and he can create more joy. Want is the choice of man.
When the child is young, the soul speaks more fluently and with more freedom. Have you ever heard a young child say, ‘I desire’ or ‘I need’? The young child wants what he sees as joy and happiness within his young world. There is no ego involved with the request. There is no ‘need’ involved. When the child reaches the stage of the ‘concept of need,’ he will be developing a belief system, an ego which he will be serving.

As man progresses through the Law of Sevens (see The Joy of Health, my first book) in development, you will frequently hear, ‘I desire,’ or ‘I need.’ Indeed, the concept of need has not only become a reality, it has become a controlling function. The craving of the ego as desire then becomes a controlling factor within the life of man. It can become an obsession within the life of man.

The soul consciousness is the inner self. Man functions externally more than he functions internally. This is a learned function that is directed by the ego and the belief system. For man to abandon the physical world and become obsessed with the spiritual world or the world of the soul is again more of an ego function than a true soul and spirit function. When man seeks the inner and higher self on an intellectual basis only, he is not truly accessing his inner and higher self.

Man is seeking balance. He should not abandon the physical world. He needs only to open up the inner self, the soul of self and the higher self, the spirit of self, and allow a balance to be established with the physical self, the ego self. This is truly creating balance within the body, mind, and spirit of man.

Bridges of Consciousness, The Soul Consciousness

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Have you accepted your total power of creation?

In the beginning when you were created as spirits you were given as your inherent birthright the love, truth, and perfection of the Father. In addition to this you were given the power of creation.
How many of you have accepted these gifts knowingly, used these gifts consciously, and understand your own power of love, truth, and perfection that you have been given? How many of you understand that you have total power of creation? Have you accepted this power, and utilized this power which establishes having received the power?

Giving and receiving began at the moment of your creation as a spirit. You receive physical life, physical bodies, and you acknowledge on the level of physical, intellectual understanding what you have physically received. You will also acknowledge what you feel that you may not have received on the physical level.

It remains a challenge for you to understand, to acknowledge, and to accept that you receive the soul memory and the spirit energy at the same time that you receive a physical body.   (Sharing, 221)

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Soul Support

In the intimate family of birth and of marriage there are always chosen lessons that each person is focused upon. No one learns his/her lessons in life alone. The person that we have asked as a soul to help us with a life lesson is also working on the same lesson, although the image of the lesson may be different. We can learn our lesson and our parents may bring their lesson back  into their next lifetime without a consciousness of the role they were playing for us and therefore they didn’t learn the lesson. The nice thing about family relationships is we can learn from each other if we are open to the dual role of teacher and student and student and teacher. This is the perfect role because it keeps us open to knowledge without the restrictions and limitations of identity and roles to create inequality.  The soul has no expectations or destinations of having learned all there is to learn. It is always our ego beliefs that limit our mind with expectations and destinations.

As we discover how our souls support each other in evolution, we can consciously appreciate every event within our life because we will see the importance of what we are learning and we will not judge or blame the person that we are interacting with in the lesson. Our soul is supported  not only by our physical family on a soul level but also by the soul family  on a soul level. Even when we have no conscious awareness of the soul family and its support, it is still there and it is scattered throughout the universe. Soul energy is given to us telepathically as a love energy, which is more effective than the physical support that we may be conscious of being given at the time. The physical interaction will be the primary support that we consciously acknowledge because we live our support as part of our life experience.  (395-6, Journey Home)

Friday, January 09, 2015

The Sword and the Pen

If man will look at his own life, he will find indications of physical changes that coincided with spiritual changes internally. The physical world of man is designed to create restriction. Opening to the Universal Consciousness is an embracement of freedom. This freedom consciousness will always find symbolic freedom within the physical world.

During this period of expansive spiritual evolvement which my scribe experienced, she had two very significant dreams. She was working through her resistance in her sleep, in her everyday physical world, and in her mind as she increased her silence. My scribe has never fully subscribed to any belief system. This made her more open to the inner self and higher self from birth.

She had learned to deal with her soul memories and her multiple sensing capabilities. She had not only learned to accept her guides but she found them to be friends who were always there to guide and teach her. She had accepted them  in her life from the moment of birth and didn’t truly understand for many years that not everyone had invisible friends. To her they were very practical. She saw them and assumed that everyone else did. 

When man opens to the Universal Consciousness, he opens himself to the integrated energy of the spirit world. Within this energy there is understanding , there is freedom, there is liberation, there is light, and there is infinite space. This infinite space is a sense of infinite height, depth, and expansiveness that can’t be adequately described in your language. In physical terms the Universe would feel as expansive as the world that you understand.

In the physical world the consciousness is narrow and personal. It is confined within the physical body. It is seen as a world of you and you relate your world to your career, your friends, and your family. If you do not allow anyone else in your world, if you are not close to friends, family, or colleagues, your personal physical consciousness is even more restricted. If you are constantly forcing your body into a tighter and tighter physical restriction, you are forcing the inner you into a tighter and  tighter physical restriction. You are struggling physically, mentally, and spiritually. This is the physical symbolism of restriction. You are not open to BEING.

As my scribe received communication from me, she began her expansion process. This has taken place over many years of her life. The first dream occurred many years ago and I will relate it to you because it will help some of you with the understanding of the readiness within you to expand to the Universal Consciousness.
In my scribe’s dream she found herself in this huge open expanse of a structure that resembled an airport hangar. There was a round dome-like metal structure.  She was alone in this structure and her entire body was bound tightly with string. She saw herself as very minute in this huge ball of cord which was wrapped around and around her countless times.

Suddenly, this genie appeared by her side and handed her a sword with which to cut her strings. She took the sword and examined it carefully. To her it looked very strange because it was not like any sword that she had ever seen before. It was long, thin, and had feathers at one end.

After a moment she decided that she could, indeed, cut the strings with this strange looking sword. So she began her task, one string at a time, until finally the string fell away from her body and lay in fragments at her feet.

With the strings lying around her feet, she felt her body beginning to expand. It grew slowly until it reached her normal  size. She stood still for a moment, turning around and around in this expansive, open structure. She felt liberated and free.

Suddenly she realized that she was all alone. It felt good for a few moments but she knew she wasn’t ready to live her life in this expansive emptiness. She look around carefully at the walls until she found what she assumed was a door. 

As she started to walk toward the door she sensed that there were millions of people waiting for her just beyond the opening. She felt their hostility and their anger. She knew without a doubt that each and every person was carrying a weapon.

 She started laughing and walked up to the door.  As she opened the door, she saw millions of people with their weapons forming a double line in front of her. The liens were deep with people as far back as she could see.

She stepped through the door and started walking among the people. As she walked, she talked to them and smiled at them. One by one they laid down their weapons and began to  return her love with their own greetings.

As my scribe continued to work with me in her sleep and her conscious state, we discussed this dream. The dream was her physical interpretation of the spiritual evolution that she was undergoing to do the work that she is now doing.

The airport hangar was the Universal Consciousness. The strings were her physical resistance. The sword was the method of releasing the resistance or the strings from her body. The sword was later seen as a quill pen which was symbolic of our writing. The people that were waiting for her with weapons were the physical concerns that she had about people accepting the work that we would do. 

This dream was a reoccurring dream for many years. As the details of the dream changed they were always symbolic of the internal changes that she had made.  

(from Bridges of Consciousness, 85-88)

Monday, January 05, 2015

Know Which Energy You Are Actively Using in Your Daily Life

As energy beings, we live a life that goes far beyond our concept of our physical life. As energy beings we travel with the speed of light. Therefore we can visit other energy beings that are not in physical form at this moment in time, and we can also visit physical people who are not living in the general vicinity of our physical home. Making energy visits is common for our Spirit Consciousness and it helps us learn as a consciousness energy living in physical matter. Energy never sets limitations on itself.  It loves freedom and it loves visiting other energy beings that it knows.  When we gather together as energy beings, we can have an enormous energy field that can literally “move mountains.”  Not all mountains are made out of rock and dirt.  Some are made out of belief systems that use a conflicting force to stop the energy movement, especially when the energy is not fully understood and it is afraid of competition.  As energy beings we all have the ability to resist and to create.  Know which energy you are actively using in your daily life.  We always image the energy from the exact level of our thinking mind evolution, primarily because we are basically fearful of energy and our internal change is slow to acknowledge our true energy potential.

 Imaging is a way that we can use the energy of our Dual Soul and Spirit Consciousness in the physical reality.  When we focus on what we want, we can create what we want. Imaging is our energy exercise. The matter supports the energy in creating what we want. We have to understand imaging before we can accept that we are Spirit Consciousness living in matter. It is important that everyone focuses on the same thing, or one person can erase the focus of many people and make the entire experience negative. The thinking mind is our creator, which can be very positive or very negative as it totally depends upon the level of energy that we are living in our physical life. Our thinking and our emotions have a dramatic effect upon whether or not we heal our own personal energy. When we are thinking externally, we will be violent, combative, arrogant, destructive, and hostile towards ourselves and other people. When we recognize the beauty of our internal and eternal design, we will be loving, peaceful, cooperative (non-combative), and we will do everything in our consciousness power to live a peaceful and productive life as we teach other people to love their Spirit Consciousness.