I have just finished my first newsletter of 2007, which will be sent out to subscribers within the next week. I included this letter to my readers and, with encouragement from a reader, decided to post the letter here for others. I hope you will consider it an invitation to think, to want to "Know Yourself," to come to my classes, to enjoy and appreciate your life and the energy of you.
Dear Friends,
I love my life and I love all of you. It gives me great pleasure to share my own “hidden memories” with you as I write these newsletters. I was seeing a wonderful client the other day and he had just finished reading my book, Sharing. He said to me, “How do you think like that?” I was busy looking at his energy fields and so I simply made some remark about,”That is just the way that my mind works.” Since then I have been looking at the way that my mind thinks and the way that the average mind thinks. We have been taught to think externally not internally, but I think internally, which allows me to lose track of the physical time and space that other people focus upon.
My internal focus is what makes me forget birthdays, social events, meals, and sometimes that I am supposed to sleep at night. When I am focused internally, I forget how to work the computer, what day it is, what time it is, and that I must eat. Now when I think about this phenomenon I am not sure if my method of thinking is a gift or a handicap!!! Nevertheless, I love going into past-life memory or into future energy patterns and seeing how the energy is being used and what we are doing to create happiness or harm for ourselves and to planet Earth.
One of the advantages to past life memory and the way that I use my mind, is it also helps me to understand why Neural Depolarization (NDP) works to help people restore their health from nearly every kind of disease that is known to man. I learned NDP again as a child in this lifetime when I was sick with Rheumatic Fever. Anyone that has had Rheumatic Fever probably remembers the degree of pain that accompanies it and the excruciating constancy of the overall body pain. If I hadn’t used NDP on myself as a small child, I might not be as functional as I am today. It is a perfect method of energy work that can heal nearly everything that the body might decide to create, especially when the disease is addressed early on and can be supported with a change in diet. NDP is an energy therapy that works with the nervous system, and it causes no pain. It is very effective and I have used it on everything imaginable, from multiple forms of cancer, dyslexia, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, ALS, carpal tunnel syndrome, autism, all forms of bone problems, back aches, joint pain, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, body aging, and multiple other diseases. Diseases are frequently hidden memories within our physical body, therefore when we change the energy of the body, we release the memory within the matter of the body.
In this year’s classes, I intend to find some mutual friends by teaching other people about our past-life memories that have become our Hidden Memories. Because all of us who have hidden memories and that use our hidden memories need to know other people who have that gift so that we no longer feel as though we are alone in this world and different. We have now reached the time in our physical journey where it is essential that we see who we are and where we have been, so that we can feel more normal and comfortable in our physical skin. The other advantage to understanding ourselves is that we can stay healthier and more active for countless years, which gives us more time to enjoy what we have created in our physical lives.
I have just completed writing my eighth book, which I hope will help many people understand their Intelligent Design on a new and inspiring level of conscious awareness. The title is,
Spirit Consciousness: Our Intelligent Design, and it will be out very soon. We will keep you posted on my web site, www.kathyoddenino.com. On February 25, we will have our first seminar for 2007 on Hidden Memories and I would love to see every one of you there. I decided to focus on “Hidden Memories” because I am very aware of how many people are living this experience today and how many people have no understanding of what is happening to them, which can be terrifying to them and very dangerous.
Very early in my life I learned how to deal with Hidden Memories and to be totally comfortable with myself in relationship to those hidden memories. This knowledge has served me very well throughout my life and sometimes it has saved my life. You too can learn why and how to accept this change into your life, the beauty of what it means, how you can use it to further your own growth, and how to enjoy your life more fully because of these past life memories. We are all required to live through this step of our growth to understand our Spirit Consciousness in relationship to our physical reality and how to use it in our daily lives. In all of the classes and retreats this year, we will explore and explain childhood experiences, past life memories, energy experiences, including “Indigo children,” “Crystal children,” dreams, mental reflections, energy images, consciousness events, psychic phenomena, ESP, telepathic communication, visions, voices, and the multitude of hidden memories that we can discover as part of us. When we recognize our hidden memories, we will not be fearful when they occur spontaneously within our lives. Understanding is everything to our thinking mind and to us as physical beings. Understanding keeps us from self-judgement, anger, frustration, and total confusion. The more that we know about ourselves, the happier and more functional we will become.
Our classes will be held at the Rigmor House, which also has some overnight accommodations if you call early enough. Other hotels or b&b’s are close. We serve a delicious/nutritious lunch prepared from organic foods, (many from the local area) and they are created in the Macro Biotic tradition by a wonderful food/cooking teacher, Grace Thomas. This is why we need to have your name on our list as early as possible. The sooner the better, but two weeks ahead is perfect. It is our intention to always have enough food to serve everyone but we need your cooperation with our planning. I also do a handout for each class. I cannot do a handout for you if I don’t know that you are coming. We try to have this part of our work done several days in advance of the class. Therefore the sooner I know that you intend to come, the easier my life becomes.
Hope to see all of you in the next few weeks as we venture into the part of our expanding consciousness that is very important for each of us to know and to understand. Once we have this understanding, we lose all fear and we are open to developing our internal potential. Life is beautiful!!!
Peace and Joy,