Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Addictions of Our Advanced Soul

Karmic beliefs are addictions of our advanced soul that are stuck in the revolutionary soul level which support our resistance and denial of change. Karmic beliefs challenge us to find the strength and courage to release our addictions without fearing change. Creating physical addictions is the way for our immature soul to get our immediate attention through self-abuse. Until we begin to abuse ourself we remain ignorant of the miracle of our own life that we are destroying. As we increase our internal awareness of ourself, we begin to see that our purpose in life is to learn to love ourself and the core of ourself as a spirit consciousness. Our immature intellect and ego creates physical addictions primarily because our ego fears change.

Addictions are the subconscious personality of beliefs and behaviors that we act out in the dark side of our immature soul mind and emotions. Every addiction has its roots in the fear emotions of our immature soul that are concealed from our conscious mind. Our addictive roots to fear have reflected the addictive mental and emotional consciousness of our beliefs and behaviors into every aspect of our immature soul evolution. In every grain of sand of physical experience, we are learning lessons of great magnitude. We have chosen to learn first what we don’t want in our lives so that we can fully appreciate what we do want. In our immature soul we have consistently created our negative, external fears as our physical reality. As we get our attention with abusive physical addictions, we begin to see the value of what we want in our lives and our aware consciousness begins to change. Our abusive physical addictions are the physical reflection of the abusive beliefs that our soul wants us to consciously acknowledge and release. This relates to the quote “forgive them for they know not what they do” which tells us to forgive ourselves for our beliefs, as an internal forgiveness. We have externalized this parable to a forgiveness of other people.

Addictive beliefs and behaviors have given the soul a perfect way of suppressing our fear and supporting our illusion of not being an addictive person. Physical addictions create a momentary illusion of escape from the pain within our mind and emotions that we keep striving to repeat by repeating our addictive behavior. Without our attachment to fear we would speak our truth and have no fear of judgment from other people. Fear has existed for us in three distinct levels which has provided us with the opportunity to live the accumulation of our fear sin every aspect of our lives. These three levels of fear have been the focus of our attitude, personality, character traits, and language as a reflection of our thoughts and emotions that we reflect into our behavior from our immature intellect and ego. The persona that we live is the energy from which we create our life as our consciousness reality. Self-abuse is part of our soul addiction at the present level of our immature soul consciousness.

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