We must find the answers to these questions within ourselves and not allow disease to gain an upper hand in our physical life. It is important for each of us to realize that we are at all times the energy of our Spirit Consciousness, that maintains our health and gives us the room that we need to change and grow as a physical being, once we understand the realtionship that we have to our Spirit Consciousness energy. It is our Spirit Consciousness energy that makes us human and that gives us the time that we need to grow into an understanding of ourselves and our human chemical design. When we do not accept that we are essentially energy beings, we see ourselves simply as physical beings that are born to die, which allows us to ignore the beauty of us as eternal beings that are learning and growing with each physical life that we live.
We have been challenged for many years to understand our relationship with disease which can help us grasp the reality of Eternal Health. When we do not understand what makes us sick, we are challenged to understand how to heal ourselves. Healing is the design of our eternal health, which we do not understand because we refuse to accept the fact that we are eternal as human beings living in our energy fields. We see ourselves as simply physical beings that are prone to illness and death. We seldom stop and ask ourselves why we are sick. Now is the time to open our thinking minds to our eternal life design as human beings and to learn the fine art of being healthy and happy.
We seldom stop and look at our thinking and behaviors to understand how we personally contribute to our illnesses. We usually do not take into consideration what causes diseases and why we create diseases and death. Once we can accept our role in our own health, we begin to create in a totally different energy. We are energy and our energy is the true basis of our health. If we are angry, eating junk foods, have a negative personality, or if we simply have a genetic predisposition to disease, we may suddenly find ourselves sick and dying. What do we do when we are suddenly told that we have a fatal illness? How can we prevent disease along the journey of our life? We must find the answers to these questions within ourselves and not allow disease to gain an upper hand in our life.
Many times disease is sending us a message that we are living some form of dis-ease that is contributing to our disease. Once we can look at ourselves and find an answer to what health means, we can begin our journey back into health and happiness. As human beings we are designed to experience eternal health, which allows us to live very long lives before we die. When we find ourselves with disease, we must look at our life until we discover the very aspect of our behaviors that is contributing to our disease.
My next seminar on Disease Versus Eternal Health is Sunday, July 27 - 9am -5pm at the Rigmor House in Chapel Hill. Join us to see if you can create a life for yourself that will allow you to live a very long lifetime of peace, joy, and health.
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