Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Consciously Living Our Ethical Values as Our Spiritual Energy

Before we can truly change, we have to understand our true relationship with energy. When we are consciously living our Ethical Values, we reflect the energy of our Ethical Values into all of our thoughts, words, and actions as we interact with other people. We must look carefully at ourselves.

Learning how to consciously live our Ethical Values as our Spiritual Energy is the primary lesson for our Dual Soul, which means that all of the many lives that we live as physical beings are primarily focused on the growth of our Dual Soul, with each lifetime being focused on the lessons that our Dual Soul must learn before it can move forward in its growth and change. Each lesson that we must learn in this lifetime and during any other lifetime is always essential for us as human beings that must consciously be living the Ethical Values that create the precise pattern of our Dual Soul that is growing into our Spirit Consciousness.

Our primary challenge is to learn how to understand ourselves and the capabilities that we have been given to help us with our growth and change. As a human being we must look very closely at our thinking and our behaviors if we want to stay on our path of evolution as a Dual Soul that is growing into our Spirit Consciousness. If our thinking and our behaviors do not show what we have learned reflected into our physical reality, we are not ready to live our Spirit Consciousness, which means that we are not ready to teach what we have been attempting to learn.

Sharing what we think we know is not the same as sharing what we have learned as an integrating being. If our personal growth is our ultimate goal, we must rise above our lying, cheating, and personal camouflage before we can even begin to meet our goal. We have developed a trait as human beings where we sincerely believe that other people remain unaware of our behavior and our communication that is derogatory towards them. This can only be our belief when we do not understand energy and the personal and consistent reflection of our personal energy, which defines every word that we speak, every action that we are involved in, how we think, what we are saying to other people, and of course what we do with ourselves and our lives.

Join us November 20-22 as we learn together, focusing on Consciously Living the Ethical Values as Spiritual Energy. 919-545-9937 for info. Pittsboro Community House, Pittsboro, NC.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Being A Spiritual Person

More and more people are seeking the Spiritual path today, which in truth is the eventual path of recognizing all energy. This does not mean that all people who want to be Spiritual understand energy, or that they have any realization of the energy being emitted by themselves and other people.

Being a Spiritual person is basically all about learning the truth of information, which is a form of energy. Before we can open our thinking mind to consciously live our Ethical Values, we must learn who we are, how we function in the physical world as an energy being, and we must learn how to understand the eternal and internal energy sources that we are always living in our physical reality of life. If we have no understanding of who we are, we will judge other people as "less than" us. Once we understand our own internal energy, we learn to live our energy as total love and we learn to accept other human beings as total love. Our goal as human beings is to learn how to live our Ethical Values every day within our moment by moment physical reality, which supports the design of our Spirit Consciousness energy as the core energy of us. To actively live our Spirit Consciousness we must live our "love" as the energy of our human body throughout all of our physical life, that evolves from birth until death, and we must live this loving energy in total relationship to ourselves, our family, and everyone else that we know. When we can live our truth in our daily life, we will find ourselves feeling the Spiritual energy within us. We cannot lie, cheat, steal or live any negative behaviors if we want to live as Spiritual Beings.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Our Goal As Human Beings is to learn to live our Ethical Values

Many people will freely use the word "Spiritual," and they will sincerely believe that they are living their Spiritual Energy every moment of their life. Words do not make someone Spiritual. It is only the energy of the physical body, its thoughts, actions, and its behavior that reflect our Spirit Consciousness. We must understand the "energy" of our Ethical Values as the living part of our Spirit Consciousness, which is important if we want to understand our Ethical Values as the Energy Source of our Spirit Consciousness, which we use to guide us through our multiple lives. Our Ethical Values are the most advanced energy of our Spirit Consciousness as our Spirit Energy. When we live our physical reality from any level of addiction, fear, judgement, or negative physical behaviors, we are unable to live the loving energy of our Spirit Consciousness because we will be unable to access our Spirit Consciousness Energy. When we live simply from the patterns of our physical reality and negative thinking, we are not capable of living the energy of our Spirit Consciousness as our loving, guiding energy.

Our goal as human beings is to learn how to live our Ethical Values every day within our moment by moment physical reality, which supports the design of our Spirit Consciousness energy as the core energy of us. We are always Spirit Consciousness Energy, but we cannot be living from our Spirit Energy when we are living in fear, lying, judgement, or anger or we are unable to be conscious of our own energy fields or another person's energy fields. This shows us that we are not usually in touch with Energy in any conscious fashion as living human beings, because we are too self-focused. We can never understand the energy of our Ethical Values until we are fully capable of living all of our Spirit Consciousness energy (Ethical Values) in our everyday physical life.

Join us at my October 18 seminar, where we will learn more about our energy fields and the Ethical Values of our design!