We are Spiritual beings that live an eternal life by creating multiple physical lives in which we can learn and grow in relationship to ourselves, other people, Nature, Earth, and the Universe. Because we are designed to store our memories, we have hidden them from ourselves by storing them in the brain neurons that we are not yet using. When we haven't learned how to use our brain, we have not necessarily restored our memory in each life, but that does not mean that we will never have the capability to restore these hidden memories, look at them carefully, and ask ourselves what we have learned from living the experience. Our growth and change should always be equal to our internal and external experiences of life.
As we study Spiritual Philosophy, we begin to see the patterns of life that we have created. Some of these patterns may serve us well and some may not serve us at all as we grow beyond the level of energy within the physical experience. But when we can look carefully at our hidden memories, we can understand our physical lives much better, and we can see why we chose the experiences that we chose to learn the lessons that we learned. Nothing is accidental in the growth and change of our Dual Soul.
We cannot retrieve our hidden memories as the facts of our past life experiences until our thinking mind is open to recognizing itself. Our dreams are frequently fleshed out with images, voices, behaviors, and emotions that we accept as figments of our imagination. Is any part of our physical life truly a figment of our imagination? For some minds, no, and for other minds, yes, but our needs are dictated by the issues that we need to learn and to grow and change beyond the level of energy that is its basis. For the most part, we are literally afraid to let our thinking mind open to its eternal reality and to show us snatches of our past life experiences, because we do not believe that we live more than one life. Each life is a continuation of our internal growth and change as a Dual Soul that is living its journey through our physical life.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Monday, October 20, 2014
The Ultimate Pattern of Learning
When we are
not aware of our Spirit Consciousness and/or our hidden memories that we are
still collecting, our hidden memories continue to exist internally as energy in
the neurons of our Spirit Consciousness (thinking mind, loving emotions, and
infinite Spirit senses) existing as the trinity energy structure and function
of our human brain. Once we can understand that our hidden memories always
become a part of our Spirit Consciousness energy as our thinking mind, loving
emotions, and Spirit senses that move with us from one life to the next life
eternally as physical beings, we begin to see the ultimate pattern of learning and evolution that we have been
living as an energy being living in physical matter. When we live with a one-physical-life belief,
we cannot access our hidden memories or appreciate the constant and consistent
role they play in our physical lives as we grow and change.
Before we can understand our hidden memories, we must learn to understand
and accept the Dual Soul and Spirit structure and function of us as human
beings that are living through the eternal life of our Spirit Consciousness,
and we must accept that we are eternal beings living endless physical lives. The energy of our Spirit
Consciousness always remains a constant as expanding energy fields that are
living growth and change as our internal evolution in each of our physical
lifetimes. The concept of evolution shows us the pattern of growth and change
within our thinking mind, loving emotions, and Spirit senses that we are designed
to live and to learn from our physical experiences of endless lives that expose
us to knowledge.
Everything that we learn remains with
us as part of our hidden memories.
We can only begin to understand our own
eternal and internal energy when we can challenge our thinking mind to begin
the eternal process of learning who we are through opening our thinking mind to
new thought, which expands our thinking mind into our loving emotions to
complete the design and function of our Dual male and female Soul
Consciousness, as a thinking mind and loving emotions. It is the energy of our
Trinity of Consciousness growth that reflects into our physical growth as we
change the way that we relate to our expanding thinking mind.
Friday, October 10, 2014
Stop and Think, Look Both Ways, Relate, Breathe.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Our Knowledge of Who We Are
Spiritual Philosophy teaches us the patterns of human
thought, life, and evolution from our earliest beginnings, which accumulates
within our conscious mind as an image of our change and growth. Therefore,
Spiritual Philosophy teaches us to grow into Knowing Ourself, which is an accumulation of information that shows
us why we are who we are today, which includes our thinking mind, physical
health, emotional happiness, and our longevity potential as a physical body
that is the home of a Spiritual Energy Being. The value of Spiritual Philosophy at this point in time is that we now have
additional information within our thinking mind that will allow us to heal
ourselves of all diseases and learn how to survive for hundreds of years in
one physical lifetime. Our stored
information allows us to begin to open our thinking mind to our hidden memories
as we expand them during each lifetime.
We have the information but we are not using the information primarily
because of our religious beliefs that have taught us faith and trust in an
external God, rather than in the information that we have learned during the
physical lives that we have lived. We
are made in the image of God as energy and Earth as matter. Our knowledge of who we are must be changed,
because as we accept that we have an eternal and internal chemical design that
gives us the energy that we use in our lives as human beings, we can better
appreciate the quality of our thinking, eating, drinking, and breathing as
providing ourselves with the pure energy of life.
The patterns of our internal images are chemical patterns,
which can be healed by a replacement of these chemical patterns in our organs,
cells, fluids, and neurons. We know our
own internal images, although we have not been taught how to recognize these
internal images or how to honor ourselves as chemical beings. Our internal body
communicates with us at all times by telling us what to eat, drink, and breathe
as a part of nature. When we recondition our thinking mind to believe that we
need processed foods, we begin our downhill slide into chemical chaos as we eat
processed foods, take drugs, and generally destroy the internal perfection of
our eternal design through diseases. We
are designed to listen and to hear our internal image as it strives to keep us
alive and well.
Tuesday, September 09, 2014
A Way of Life
We have taken to heart some parts of Spiritual Philosophy that we're attracted to, but we ignore those we are not interested in living at the present moment in time. This means that we will choose not to live our Ethical Values. Living our Ethical Values is how we live a Spiritual life. We cannot love ourself or other people from the core of our Spiritual love until we learn to love ourself, which is the beginning of being love as a human being.
We cannot live from the core of our love until we learn to live the Ethical Values as a "way of life," which creates us as a Spiritual being.
We cannot live from the core of our love until we learn to live the Ethical Values as a "way of life," which creates us as a Spiritual being.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
The Hands of Fate - What's Love Got to Do With It? - My "new" book
Kathy Oddenino wrote The Hands of Fate almost 50 years ago.
The main character is Michael Cappanello, a heart surgeon, whose passionate
dream was to create the first artificial heart. Creating a
permanent synthetic replacement for this vital organ is one of the holy grails
of modern medicine. Like President Kennedy’s bold 1961 pronouncement about the
space program and putting a man on the moon, in 1964 the National Institutes of
Health started the Artificial Heart Program, with the goal of putting a
man-made organ into a human by the end of the decade (New England Journal of
Medicine article, 2004). Some inventions were built by doctors and tested in
dogs in the 1940s and 1950s, but the Jarvik-7 was the first artificial heart was
successfully implanted in a human being in 1982. Hundreds of physicians, engineers, students
and faculty developed, tested and improved the artificial heart created by Dr.
Willem Johan Kolff. Robert Jarvik was
the graduate student manager named by Kolff for the artificial heart project.
The Jarvik-7
has been implanted in more than 800 people as a bridge to transplantation. Since the need for functioning hearts from
donors always exceeds supply, there have been continuous incentives (funding)
to develop technologies to create this holy grail of a permanent heart replacement.
Pumps, electrical assists, and prototypes have been created and used along the
way, with varying results. In popular culture examples of heart replacements
have been introduced for over a hundred years.
Dr. Michael
Cappanello fits easily into this human history, as a man driven by an obsession
to make this dream real, for himself, for patients, for mankind. The Hands of
Fate is his story of creation and how he creates every aspect of his life, the
thrill and the struggle, the love and the need for love, the life and the grief
of loss as death as he learns what it means to live.
Capanello, like every other human being, struggles to understand that the first
supreme force, the life force for man is his heart. It is the heart that
connects with the spirit energy (or intuitive mind). Learning to use the energy
of the spirit/heart is one of the most basic and exciting lessons of our human
life. In our physical world, we view
freedom as our “right to need,” which we live as a desire, demand, craving,
yearning, aching, longing, urging, lusting, coveting, obsession, passion, or
greed. Love that is unconditional and without need is what we are learning to
accept within ourself first, as we accept the challenge and opportunity to live
our own destiny every day of our lives.
To order
Kathy’s new book, visit The Hands of Fate, and email us (joypub@aol.com) to let us know you’ve ordered it! We welcome feedback-
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
The Addictions of Our Advanced Soul
beliefs are addictions of our advanced soul that are stuck in the revolutionary
soul level which support our resistance and denial of change. Karmic beliefs
challenge us to find the strength and courage to release our addictions without
fearing change. Creating physical
addictions is the way for our immature soul to get our immediate attention
through self-abuse. Until we begin
to abuse ourself we remain ignorant of the miracle of our own life that we are
destroying. As we increase our internal awareness of ourself, we begin to
see that our purpose in life is to learn to love ourself and the core of
ourself as a spirit consciousness. Our immature intellect and ego creates
physical addictions primarily because our ego fears change.
are the subconscious personality of beliefs and behaviors that we act out in
the dark side of our immature soul mind and emotions. Every addiction has its
roots in the fear emotions of our immature soul that are concealed from our
conscious mind. Our addictive roots to fear have reflected the addictive mental
and emotional consciousness of our beliefs and behaviors into every aspect of
our immature soul evolution. In every grain of sand of physical experience, we
are learning lessons of great magnitude. We have chosen to learn first what we
don’t want in our lives so that we can fully appreciate what we do want. In our
immature soul we have consistently created our negative, external fears as our
physical reality. As we get our attention with abusive physical addictions, we
begin to see the value of what we want in our lives and our aware consciousness
begins to change. Our abusive physical addictions are the physical reflection
of the abusive beliefs that our soul wants us to consciously acknowledge and
release. This relates to the quote “forgive them for they know not what they do”
which tells us to forgive ourselves for our beliefs, as an internal
forgiveness. We have externalized this parable to a forgiveness of other
beliefs and behaviors have given the soul a perfect way of suppressing our fear
and supporting our illusion of not being an addictive person. Physical
addictions create a momentary illusion of escape from the pain within our mind
and emotions that we keep striving to repeat by repeating our addictive
behavior. Without our attachment to fear we would speak our truth and have no
fear of judgment from other people. Fear has existed for us in three distinct
levels which has provided us with the opportunity to live the accumulation of
our fear sin every aspect of our lives. These three levels of fear have been
the focus of our attitude, personality, character traits, and language as a
reflection of our thoughts and emotions that we reflect into our behavior from
our immature intellect and ego. The persona that we live is the energy from
which we create our life as our consciousness reality. Self-abuse is part of
our soul addiction at the present level of our immature soul consciousness.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Inner Hope and Faith
In the most challenging times there will be a consciousness of a tiny, joyful light within. This light is the vision of hope that shines with total undaunted faith within self to overcome all odds and be successful.
Despite the level of conscious physical awareness and the "circumstances" of life, the power of that inner hope and faith will allow you to move forward. The soul and spirit will focus on the energy of freedom rather than the opposite energy of the victim consciousness. With your focus on freedom and not on the dramas of life, you can create a new life within the physical world that you know.
Freedom is an internal acknowledgement more than an external reality.
Despite the level of conscious physical awareness and the "circumstances" of life, the power of that inner hope and faith will allow you to move forward. The soul and spirit will focus on the energy of freedom rather than the opposite energy of the victim consciousness. With your focus on freedom and not on the dramas of life, you can create a new life within the physical world that you know.
Freedom is an internal acknowledgement more than an external reality.
Monday, July 07, 2014
The Soul Recognizes only Today
Hope in our world is our Spirit Energy - the motivation of life. Without Spirit (hope) there is no freedom in life. Locking ourselves into the concept of "mental and emotional imprisonment" at any moment of our life is a disadvantage. We are born as humans to enjoy change. We must be willing to live with spontaneity. We should live with joy, hope, and action every moment of our lives. If there is no joy in what we are doing, why are we doing it?
Life is to be lived with joy in each moment that we live. There is no tomorrow. There is only today, because that is what you are focused upon. If our life does not offer us the joy and happiness that we deserve, on a day to day basis, something is out of balance in what we are doing with our life. Do not look at the rest of the world and judge it. The rest of the world is not responsible for where we are in our lives. Look within yourself. Look inside, to see if you are constantly learning and expanding your mind. Do you truly know you? You have created what you have. If what we have created is making us unhappy and is not what we want, we must evaluate our life and risk the change that is necessary. Our point of power is in the present. If we fear change, we will be stuck exactly where we are, which is how decay and disease sets itself into our life. There is no other way.
It is us to us to enhance the beauty of life.
Life is to be lived with joy in each moment that we live. There is no tomorrow. There is only today, because that is what you are focused upon. If our life does not offer us the joy and happiness that we deserve, on a day to day basis, something is out of balance in what we are doing with our life. Do not look at the rest of the world and judge it. The rest of the world is not responsible for where we are in our lives. Look within yourself. Look inside, to see if you are constantly learning and expanding your mind. Do you truly know you? You have created what you have. If what we have created is making us unhappy and is not what we want, we must evaluate our life and risk the change that is necessary. Our point of power is in the present. If we fear change, we will be stuck exactly where we are, which is how decay and disease sets itself into our life. There is no other way.
It is us to us to enhance the beauty of life.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Events may appear to you to be accidents, but they are not.
Events may appear to you to be accidents, but they are not. They are part of a design that you have chosen. The vibrations of the energy will be relative to your choice as we energetically flow out into the Universe.
If you want to affect people who are far removed from you, you are going to choose within your life a drama that will seize your attention and the attention of other people. You can compare a life event to taking a pebble and dropping it into the water. If you drop a small pebble into a still pond you will produce vibrations and these vibrations will move peacefully and gently out into the water. If you take a big rock and you drop it into the pond you can see those vibrations change. The force of the rock will create waves that swell up and die down only to swell again with more force as they create their own energy.
You will choose dramas in life according to how many people you want to affect. You will get your own attention by the weight of the drama. The expansiveness of the drama that you choose will create your relationship to your life. Dramas are always collective choices. The energy of the individuals will be as both passive and active participants. If you are the one who is dropping the rock you are the active participant. If you are struck by the rock as the water is, you are an active participant. If you are the one that is affected by the waves you are a passive participant.
You have chosen to be a participant because by your involvement, you have the opportunity to change your consciousness level in life by the precipitating energy of the active participants. All of life is created by the interaction of relationships. Therefore, there can be multiple active participants and multiple passive participants, depending upon the nature of the event.
If there is an airplane accident and 86 people are instantly killed, you will have 86 active participants. If there are people that are killed in the crash on the ground, they too are active participants. The passive participants will include all of the people that are related to those that are killed. They will experience the strongest vibration and, therefore, are in varying levels of active and passive participation. The levels of vibrations will then spread out to all passive participants who felt an effect from the energy of the event and the deaths. This will include those who read of the incident, saw it on television, listened to an account being reported on the radio, or heard the story through a friend. Others may not know of the event and will have no effect at all from the energy. Do you see the effect and how the energy vibrations will change from a dramatic swelling to a smooth surface? Dramas are always opportunities to change from one level of conscious awareness to another. You change from one level of consciousness to another by an increased awareness of events and people, an openness to emotion and feeling, and by the exposure to new experiences.
(To learn more about the profound and beautiful lessons we learn through all relationships - read Sharing: Self Discovery in Relationships.)
If you want to affect people who are far removed from you, you are going to choose within your life a drama that will seize your attention and the attention of other people. You can compare a life event to taking a pebble and dropping it into the water. If you drop a small pebble into a still pond you will produce vibrations and these vibrations will move peacefully and gently out into the water. If you take a big rock and you drop it into the pond you can see those vibrations change. The force of the rock will create waves that swell up and die down only to swell again with more force as they create their own energy.
You will choose dramas in life according to how many people you want to affect. You will get your own attention by the weight of the drama. The expansiveness of the drama that you choose will create your relationship to your life. Dramas are always collective choices. The energy of the individuals will be as both passive and active participants. If you are the one who is dropping the rock you are the active participant. If you are struck by the rock as the water is, you are an active participant. If you are the one that is affected by the waves you are a passive participant.
You have chosen to be a participant because by your involvement, you have the opportunity to change your consciousness level in life by the precipitating energy of the active participants. All of life is created by the interaction of relationships. Therefore, there can be multiple active participants and multiple passive participants, depending upon the nature of the event.
If there is an airplane accident and 86 people are instantly killed, you will have 86 active participants. If there are people that are killed in the crash on the ground, they too are active participants. The passive participants will include all of the people that are related to those that are killed. They will experience the strongest vibration and, therefore, are in varying levels of active and passive participation. The levels of vibrations will then spread out to all passive participants who felt an effect from the energy of the event and the deaths. This will include those who read of the incident, saw it on television, listened to an account being reported on the radio, or heard the story through a friend. Others may not know of the event and will have no effect at all from the energy. Do you see the effect and how the energy vibrations will change from a dramatic swelling to a smooth surface? Dramas are always opportunities to change from one level of conscious awareness to another. You change from one level of consciousness to another by an increased awareness of events and people, an openness to emotion and feeling, and by the exposure to new experiences.
(To learn more about the profound and beautiful lessons we learn through all relationships - read Sharing: Self Discovery in Relationships.)
Sunday, March 30, 2014
The Emotional Lessons Confronted in Family Relationships
It is a belief in our world that the male should be strong and therefore not show emotion. This is a belief that family relationships challenge. If the male fails to show emotion, he denies his soul and spirit energy. If the female fails to show emotion, she denies her soul and spirit energy.
Family relationships offer the male an opportunity to be in touch with the soul and spirit energy of emotion. If the male denies the family relationship, he is denying the challenge of emotion. He is creating resistance to his soul and spirit energy within. This is also true of the female, but the male is used as an example because of the belief system in our culture that creates a learned resistance.
Some people who fear emotion will also fear family relationships, friends, and all other interaction with people. These people become the criminals in our world because they act without emotion. They live without emotion. They deny the soul and spirit energy within and they react only as physical beings. They do not love themselves and therefore they have no love for other people. These are lessons that are confronted within family relationships. If the denial remains as the controlling force within the physical life, the physical life will be focused upon fear of interaction secondary to the fear of emotion. These people will easily indulge in physical crimes against the physical body.
The total absence of feelings and emotions of the heart allow physical atrocities as lessons.In the spirit sense this is a choice of both participants, although this is a challenge for us to understand. If we observe the murders in our world, we will find many of them occur between family members or friends. The spirit energy of unconditional love agrees to the lesson which will trigger the emotion within. The event may even be chosen as a Karmic lesson for both participants. Understanding the lesson will balance the emotion within for all passive participants. This safety net of unconditional love is much stronger than our imagination is capable of understanding.
Family relationships offer the male an opportunity to be in touch with the soul and spirit energy of emotion. If the male denies the family relationship, he is denying the challenge of emotion. He is creating resistance to his soul and spirit energy within. This is also true of the female, but the male is used as an example because of the belief system in our culture that creates a learned resistance.
Some people who fear emotion will also fear family relationships, friends, and all other interaction with people. These people become the criminals in our world because they act without emotion. They live without emotion. They deny the soul and spirit energy within and they react only as physical beings. They do not love themselves and therefore they have no love for other people. These are lessons that are confronted within family relationships. If the denial remains as the controlling force within the physical life, the physical life will be focused upon fear of interaction secondary to the fear of emotion. These people will easily indulge in physical crimes against the physical body.
The total absence of feelings and emotions of the heart allow physical atrocities as lessons.In the spirit sense this is a choice of both participants, although this is a challenge for us to understand. If we observe the murders in our world, we will find many of them occur between family members or friends. The spirit energy of unconditional love agrees to the lesson which will trigger the emotion within. The event may even be chosen as a Karmic lesson for both participants. Understanding the lesson will balance the emotion within for all passive participants. This safety net of unconditional love is much stronger than our imagination is capable of understanding.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Our Body That Is Our Joy
Internally we know that our physical self is fragile. It is
this realization that allows us to be compulsively concerned with our physical
health. The ego is at all times conscious that if we become aware of who we
are, change will have an effect upon our belief in our physical reality. The
ego knows that it is as finite as our physical body and it fears for itself and
the body in which it lives. It is from our intellectual view of reality that
our beliefs are created from the primitive perceptions within our developing
soul mind.
Our body that is our joy has been created by the slowing
down of soul and spirit energy to magnetize physical matter. Each time that we
choose to become physical, we design a physical body that will support us in
our life design of lessons. We learned the pattern for our physical development
during the first dimension of our creation, when we very methodically and with
total freedom of choice chose the perfect elements for our human form.
We are an electromagnetic energy of Spirit consciousness.
When we began to slow down and magnetize matter, we polarized our self into our
personal pattern of evolution. We designed our physical pattern to integrate
our mind and body with nature, allowing us to stay in a total harmony and
rhythm with the evolution of Earth and the Universe.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Personal Creation
As we remove our concealing beliefs that we have created from our ancient and primitive superstitions, symbols, myths, and rituals, we reveal the beauty and power of our Trinity of consciousness. Expanding our consciousness by removing our beliefs is just the beginning of our consciousness expansion. As we live our love we create a different life on earth. We begin to nurture ourselves, each other, our planet Earth, nature, and we will also begin to nurture our relationship with the universe. As we understand ourselves, we will understand the universe.
As we open to the realization of ourselves and our connection with the universe, we will define the universe from the fractal pattern of our consciousness and physical design. We are a precise fractal pattern of the universe. As we begin to understand our cellular structure the pattern of our life will reveal the secrets of the universe. As we understand ourselves and open to the knowledge of the universe, we will put to rest all of the illusions that our immature male consciousness has created as its illusions of reality.
Our interpretation of the physical experiences of our life have all been formed from our limited intellect and ego. Our beliefs have mutated our experiences and given us a concealed or veiled impression of ourself and our reality. We have created everything on Earth from the thoughts that live within our mind and that are limited by our beliefs and fears. Once we have a thought our next step is to create the thought as our physical reality. Therefore each and every thing that we use today as the fruits of our technology began as a thought in someone's mind. When we create from our beliefs and our fears, we create illusion or we conceal our behavior and our creation. This is the story of our criminal minds. Each day we live with the creations of technology that had its foundation in the thought of some clever and advanced soul mind.
All things on Earth began with thought, even the creation of new life. In our male consciousness, new life was triggered by a physical desire for sex. In our female consciousness, our love created the new life into human form and then nursed the child into an expansion of the mind, emotions, and body. Therefore, we have constantly lived with the precise pattern of creation. There is no mystery left to the creation of human life. What we continue to conceal with our religious beliefs is the soul's constant return to its eternal life in physical form. Our belief in only one life limits our perception of reality as our personal creation.
Monday, March 10, 2014
What if we are responsible for everything about our life, our growth, our change, and our health?
Our chemical design creates the interactive interaction that
we constantly live as our energy design in matter. It is our chemical design that gives us
health and happiness as our physical choice of living. Disease always comes from the chemical design
within our physical body being in a state of imbalance. When our chemical design is in a state of
imbalance, the chemical cellular structure that creates our physical body
cannot maintain its balance, and it collapses into some form of disease. Any form of medicine that does not recreate
our precise chemical balance will bring about our death if it is continued past
the point of no return for our cellular health.
Our cells remember the importance of certain chemicals to our balance and
our health. When our cells lose their
hidden memory, we will forget to eat, drink, and breathe from the chemicals of
Nature and Earth, which we are now doing as a human species.
Why and how can our hidden memory be
destroyed? When we eat foods, drink,
or breathe chemicals that do not support the replacement of the necessary
chemicals that form the design and function of our cellular structure, we begin
to break down the chemical structure and design of our thinking mind and
physical body which leads us into disease, old age, and death that allows us to re-create
our human body and begin a new physical life as a Spirit Consciousness.
When we live with our religious beliefs of living only one
life only to die and be saved, we must ask ourselves what our beliefs
mean. What does it mean to be saved?
Are we being saved from life? Or
are we being saved from the devil? What
is the devil? Is the devil the part of
our thinking mind that refuses to accept that we are responsible for what we
eat, drink, breathe, do, think, and believe?
What if we are wrong? What if we
are responsible for everything about our life, our growth, our change, and our
health? What if we are totally responsible
for everything that we learn and the precise level of new life conscious
awareness that we create? Can we afford
not to change and grow as a human being?
Can we afford as a human species to continue with our disease focus
until we genetically change the pattern of our human design?
Only if we are choosing to continue life on Earth with an
intention of total destruction of both humans and Earth. It has already become
apparent that we are damaging the chemical land, water, and air of Earth,
therefore we are damaging the human species that lives upon Earth. What is our goal as human beings? We must change or we will destroy ourselves
by the destruction of Earth as our home.
We are interactive beings with the air, water, and land of Earth which
provides us with our chemical balance of life.
We are the truth of our interactive interaction with Earth as it
provides us with the chemicals of the soil, the water, and the air to sustain
our life and well-being.
Monday, March 03, 2014
Emerging into the Truth of Self
To live the energy
of saving ourselves, we must accept personal responsibility to learn and to
live the entire energy of love as the truth and equality of our own human
design. The value of saving
ourselves is the studying of ourselves as Spiritual energy beings that are
living eternally as human beings that must learn the truth of themselves
through the teachings of Spiritual Philosophy before they can recognize
themselves, Earth, and the Universe around them as the energy of "Other Worlds" that exist independently within the energy of Earth. When we believe that we live only one life,
we deny the Spiritual Energy of us that is eternal.
The value of studying Spiritual Philosophy is that it helps
us to think more clearly within our thinking mind, which will allow us to
emerge from the depths of fear to an understanding of self and the chemical
energy that gives us life As humans we
are the most important source of life on Earth as energy beings. The thinking mind is an emerging
consciousness. It never thinks the same
way twice because it is an evolving and expanding energy that is searching for
the energy of its own love that is constantly expanding in its growth and
change. Emergence is the pattern of our
growth as a thinking mind into Spirit Consciousness that incorporates the
thinking mind, loving emotions, and infinite Spirit Senses into one Spirit
Consciousness within each human being.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Self-Assessment, Our Internal “Secret Life,” Ego Imaging
When we realize that self-assessment is our path to change
and growth, we will no longer fear being truthful with ourselves as we see the
negative thinking and behaviors that are holding us back from our growth and
change. Negative behaviors are a
challenge for our Dual Soul thinking mind to change. We have become very familiar with our
physical traits and our personality traits that have served us in our physical
lives. Shifting our thinking mind as our
Dual Soul into our loving emotions that allows us to live our Ethical Values is
our present-day challenge. We must live
our intention to change before we can actually change, and we must remember
that our ego is not about truth, love, and equality.
Our ego will always continue to make us believe that we have
changed and that we are now being loving, responsible human beings, even as we
lie, cheat, and copy other people. Many
times we mistake manipulation for love. Manipulation
is a form of control which we can use with our friends and family and sincerely
believe that we are living our love. In our self-assessment, we must learn to be
truthful with ourselves and release our belief that we are perfect as we are,
before we can welcome and accept change within ourselves. Any time that we live with an external
perception of life, our thinking mind is manipulating our thoughts and
behaviors without our being conscious of the imaging that is taking place in our own physical reality. As energy beings we remember our past lives,
where we have lived, the people that we know, our inequality, separateness,
control, judgment, inadequacy, dependency, and manipulation, plus many other
negative behaviors.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
What We Learn in Spiritual Philosophy
If we do not understand Spiritual Philosophy, we may think
that our relationship to other people is insignificant because we may
believe that we will never see the people again so our feelings and
treatment of other people does not matter.
Our relationships to other people are basically based upon a reflection
of the energy that we produce from our relationship to ourselves. If we do not like who we are, we will not
like other people. If we are not loving
of ourselves, we will not be loving of other people no matter what our
relationship is to the individual person.
When we store the hidden memories of hatred, anger, loathing, jealousy,
fear, or disdain towards other people it is because we have the same hidden
memories towards ourselves. When we
learn Spiritual Philosophy we learn to love who we are and how we relate to
other people, Nature, Earth, and the Universe.
As we learn a loving relationship towards all of mankind, Nature, Earth,
and the Universe, we elevate the energy within us to love, peace, and equality
in all forms of life on Earth.
Because Spiritual
Philosophy teaches us the entirety of relationships, it also teaches us the
entirety of our relationship to our hidden memories.
Our hidden memories
are about the endless lives that we have lived and stored in minutia within our
thinking mind, as part of our Dual Soul pattern that we must understand
philosophically before we can truly understand ourselves as human beings and
our journey of growth and change that is a fractal pattern of our physical
lives. Spiritual Philosophy is the only
subject on Earth that teaches us how to understand the hidden memories within
our thinking mind and what they mean to our growth and change. Without this information, we will not want to
grow and change, although it is an accepted fact that we are born and we die
after living our pattern of growth and change.
No other subject on Earth teaches us how to understand ourselves, our
evolutionary growth and change, plus our relationships with other people,
Nature, Earth, and the Universe. If
everyone understood our relationship to other people we would never fight wars,
contaminate our land, water, and air, or avoid learning.
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